Thursday, February 21, 2008

Russia Trip 2: The food sucks!

Today it hit me. The food here in Siberia really is not very good. A typical breakfast consists of a typical Amrican dinner, no lie. We had the best meal since we arrived today (lunch) and it was a cheesy pasta from an italian joint, you can't mess that up. Yesterday we went to Subway and they do mess that up. The meat is basically Spam. It sucks. Sorry to complain, it is just a reality. On a different and more important note, our sons are doing amazing! We saw them earlier today and will see them tomorrow. We will celebrate our oldests 4th birthday! Please keep praying for us! we have 3 more weeks left here in the former USSR.



At 2/21/2008, Blogger said...

Hang in there! The food really is bad. . .Ask Serge to take you for a typical Russian meal. . .he and Yelena took us on Thanksgiving for smoked and raw fish, latkes, and caviar among other things. It wasn't too bad. I did lose 5 pounds on our first 5 day trip, though! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!
Stacy Harrison

At 2/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes you appreciate food back home! :)
How are you celebrating his birthday?
We're praying!

At 2/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Spam. Tell them to fry it for you.

At 2/21/2008, Blogger Bryonm said...

you could end up in the gulag with a comment an opinion like this. the cold war is back on, baby. even now, russia is attacking you with could...

At 2/21/2008, Blogger Journey of Faith said...

Hey all- I think it was colder in Ohio this morning than in Kras!! Can't wait to see you guys!
We'll be thinking of you as you celebrate your son's birthday!!

Happy Birthday, _______ Goeppner!!

See you soon!!
Tim & Debbie

At 11/03/2022, Anonymous The Woodlands Auto Locksmith said...

Loved reading thiis thanks


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