Friday, April 28, 2006

Entertainment: Superhero Test.

My boy Bryon encouraged me to take this test. I really was hoping that the bottom four for me would be Robin, Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Catwoman. Sad thing is Robin was my runner up superhero and the girl superheros all ranked higher than Batman and Hulk. I guess that Green Lantern isn't so bad. Which super hero are you? Click here to take the Superhero test.

Green Lantern 55%
Robin 50%
Spider-Man 50%
The Flash 50%
Superman 45%
Supergirl 40%
Iron Man 40%
Catwoman 30%
Wonder Woman 25%
Batman 20%
Hulk 15%


At 4/28/2006, Blogger Bryonm said...

I knew you'd be the Green Lantern.


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