Where Do You Live ?

Since last November I have been living in midtown Manhattan predominantly and have really just come to the conclusion I really enjoy it and am happy being here. Here’s a list of some of the little things.
1) The Dry Cleaner comes to our building once a week to get our bags and returns everything back on hangers the next day.
2) Eating Greek, Turkish Food, Mexican, Indian, Morrocan, Italian, Chinese, and the best Texas BBQ within 1 block of my apartment, and they all deliver!
3) The street food, especially the Halal (Islam approved clean) stuff
4) I can Jump on the 4, 5, or 6 train and going anywhere on the East side
5) Running into George Takei ( Star Trek’s Mr. Sulu every time I go to Charles Tyrhitt to buy a shirt)
6) Seeing Marvin Hamlisch at the Curry Kitchen on 83rd, he seems to always be there
7) I am very shy about singing, but we go to these Korean or Filipino bars downtown and I now love doing Karaoke. My favorites to sing are “Gloria” by Them or Sinatra’s “Fly Me To The Moon.” (if I don’t do it, one of the locals will start doing “Fry Me to Moon”
8) Hanging out in Queens in Greektown, Little Manila, or Russian Town and sampling all the indigenous food and alcohol of the region.
9) Walking Central Park on Sundays.
10) Walking to the 48th street music row and reverently playing and looking at all the amazing guitars. Just thinking about the amazing musicians that have been here, is inspiring.
11) The Village, aside from all the amazing live music and amazing shops and restaurants, during daytime, it is amazing to walk down some of the cobblestone streets between Washington Square Park and the IFC Theatre and all the trees and gardens you pass by NYU are so pretty, all the old wooden row houses are stunning.
Have you ever thought about certain things that really make where you live enjoyable? I’m curious to hear.
Labels: Life and Times: Tony Taylor
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