Over the past several weeks I have been putting together details for our annual Student Ministry Christmas Party. This year we partnered with 6 other student ministries in our area to have a Battle of the Bands theme. We had 5 different bands play 2 songs each, 2 large group games, an amazing guest speaker and a worship band. We rented out our normal meeting place, Independence Middle School (cafeteria and gym) and hired the school police to monitor. It was so unbelievable to watch 7 churches come together for an evening of fun, celebration and reflection. Going into the night I was really nervous about the potential disasters that may happen (5 student lead bands!!) but with our super spectacular sound engineer, Chip, in control all would be well (props Chip!!).

In total there were about 300 students and 100 or so adults in attendance and I believe most everyone learned something about unity in the Body (it CAN be done) and the importance of the Good News of Jesus (Chris Tress brought the Gospel). I was so impressed with the students in all of the bands and really believe that this is the beginning of much more to come. God is doing something in the lives of students in Jupiter, Fl. It's an honor to be a part of.
Labels: Student Ministry
This was such an awesome idea. Even though I was doing the powerpoint in the corner the kids found me. The bands were pretty good. The coolest part of the night was just standing there while our worship band was performing Rain Down and seeing the whole crowd jumping together. Also Chris Tress did an amazing job.
wow...I so need to bring my students down to see what God is doing in Jupiter! One day Chris...one day it'll happen in Orlando.
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