Monday, April 21, 2008

Portable Church items for sale!!!

As many of you know our church is getting ready to move into it's first facility. This means that we will have to find a new home for some portable church equipment. We have 2 trailers (24 foot), Portable Church Industries custom boxes, wall panels and some other "stuff". If you or someone you know if part of a portable church and would like to find out more info about this please leave a comment and I will respond ASAP.



At 4/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm know an up and coming Polygamist Sect that is in between compounds I'll have contact you.


At 4/21/2008, Blogger Kevin said...

ill have to come check your stuff out...

At 4/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent a link to your blog to our pastor and our children's ministry director. I know what great stuff you guys have!!! I don't know if there is a need or not, but I am guessing that they will contact you if there is! Thanks for posting this!

At 4/23/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm interested in finding out how much your selling the trailer for. we need one!

At 4/23/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If stuff is still available send an email to Andrew ( he might be interested or definitely know someone who is?

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to hear more about what you have for sale with this. I am a new church planter looking for portable church stuff. Let me know what is still available.


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