Thursday, July 19, 2007

I love freebies!

Last year I was in the market for a new Bible. I had the same NIV Study Bible since 1989 and I thought that it might be time to get one of the "premium" Bible that publishers have been producing. So I found the one I liked, a wide margin Cambridge bound NIV. It was sweet, calf skin (sorry girls!) nice wide margins for notes. The only problem was I had to keep bringing it back to the store for a replacement because of a defect. Well, I had one last defective Bible! I brought it to the store where I bought it and the manager cut out a couple pages and said "Keep it and you also have a store credit of $150"! So I proceeded to grab the Bible that is pictured. It is a premium calf skin English Standard Version. Very nice. The only way I can describe it as soft, smells great and perfectly bound. I'm not one of these guys that tries to act like he knows about the best English interpretation (I prefer the NIV) but the ESV people produce the best packaged Bibles. They are keepsakes. This Bible is perfectly crafted and should last a lifetime!



At 7/19/2007, Blogger Eric Wakeling said...

The ESV is actually really sweet. It's closer to the NASB, but has a bit more readability. It's a more word for word translation rather than the phrases or lines of thought that the NIV translates. It's definitely debatable which one is "better." I think it's helpful to have both.

Why do you have to kill baby cows? Murderer. :)


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