Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Stuck in my car

As I was driving home this evening there were menacing clouds all around. I saw lightning strikes and dark clouds, knowing I must get home before the deluge begins. Well, unfortunately the heavens let loose and I was just around the corner from home. When I pulled in the drive way I called Penny, we both agreed that it would be best that I stay in the car while this storm was around. Think about it, I have 2 metal sticks under my arms in the middle of a nasty electrical storm in the so-called lightning capital of the world. I made the most of my stay in my Impala, I read from Romans 8. I finally made it in.



At 7/25/2007, Blogger Bryonm said...

I saw an Impala here the other day with a disco globe swinging from the rear-view. But, alas, no bald guy behind the wheel.

It startled me, though, and I thought it was you.

At 7/30/2007, Blogger Hawk said...

lol, sorry blog lurker who enjoys reading your blog.. quite funny.

REgardless, I never appreciated my mums wooden crutches till just now! I had surgery and am using cruthes from before I Was born (they are only 25 years old, but I'm not even that old!)... and until I just read this... all I could think was "Dang, I want nice new betal crutches..."... now I'm loving my wood!

God Bless.


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