Let me preface this rant by saying that I am not endorsing Senator Obama for President. I am a self-proclaimed theologically conservative Christ-follower. I believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Barry Obama (as he is known outside of D.C.) encompasses those 3 things too, just in a different spiritual and political context. Let me explain, if I can. Monday Penny and I saw
The Great Debaters. What a great movie! There are critics who would say some of the messages were too liberal. It all depends on how you look at it. I tend to be very understanding and sympathetic of some of the left-leaning politics that are embraced in the movie because of the horrific treatment of black Americans in the past and sadly still today. In the movie, Melvin B. Tolson (played by Denzel Washington) is a professor, who on the side was rallying some crop-sharers to form a union. He was labeled a communist and was roughed up by the sheriff and his men. In the movie, there were rumors and gossip circulating about his “politics” similar to the campaign of Barry Obama. He has been labeled a liberal, left wing, nut and has had
gossip/rumor based e-mails sent out about him by some self-proclaimed conservative watch dogs. The two roles of Barry Obama and Denzel’s character are similar. When the general election rolls around in November, it will be interesting to see if the right wing conservative will vote for his or her candidate based on their theological conviction or just vote against the liberal. It’s a shame that we label, gossip and call someone names all in the name of righteousness.
I think Christ-followers are above this, don’t you?Labels: 2008 Election, Election 08
Chris, I was standing up and applauding this post a second ago. When you go beyond simply disagreeing with someone and considering them wrong, and actually pause and ask yourself, why they hold their views YOUR views are only broadened, perhaps strengthened, and maybe you even realize you are wrong. I think a true sign of wisdom and maturity is the ability to think outside the box of what your social strata says is right.
we should be above this, but it is (for a lot of people) the easier way to defend our beliefs and positions. tear down the opposition. bible talks about gossip and using words as weapons (ex. James 3:1-12). not really into the political scene though, can we go back to finger pointing at the patriots for cheating????
Gossip -
1. Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
2. A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.
I don't think mentioning that the Patriots have cheated qualifies because of the public nature of the facts, they were caught red-handed, not based on rumor. On the other hand non-factual e-mails swirling around about a Presidential candidate (or whom ever) is clearly qualified.
cool. we're back to the patriots!!!!
Ha ha! Daggonit! I got defensive! Back to the Patriots, I think Indy will end up beating them, they are the defending champs.
yo dude, just saw that Kerry endorses "Barry"... guess sometimes those gossips and labels can also propel someone's standing with the peers. go pack go!!!!!
I say look at voting records. This is the most important election of our lifetimes. It takes a lot of leadership experience to run the greatest nation in the world and Obama ain't got it. I don't care if he's purple.
Be honest: you'd say that about any democrat. I say let's not vote party but lets vote for the person most able to unite people. I like Barak's message of change. If Barak doesn't have the experience, then do you think it's necessary to amend the constitution to not allow anyone as young as him to run? Our constitution allows people as young as 35 years old to run. If you ask me, that's was a brilliant decision our forefathers made. It allows for young blood to get in and shake things up. The Republicans can't unite themselves let alone the country.
i would say that about any democrat, depending on the candidte (not the party). i have come a long way from party line politics. im all for the best person, democrat or republican. the problem lies with the unfortunate liberal social leanings that DO contradict our conservative theology where life and freedom are a priority. when a candidate thinks its neccesary for the govt to fund the taking of an unborn childs life, thats a prob, ethically. when the government thinks its neccesary to potentially take freedom away because of political correctness, that too is a problem, regardless of political party.
conservative theology and conservative politics are not the same things. theres just as much within conservative politics that contradicts the teachings of Jesus. liberal vs. conservative is not the same as moral vs. immoral or good vs. evil.
ill have to disagree with you there. i believe that our theology is a direct reflection of our citizenship. thats all politics is, an expression of our citizenship. im not using theology as an excuse for american conservatism, i believe they can be very different, but i also believe that our expression as a citizen come from our theological beliefs.
If you mean that the kind of citizens we are is an expression of our theology, then I agree with you. But I don't believe American Conservatism is an expression of theology at all. We don't live in a theocracy. The only time that theology and politics will ever agree is when the Promised Messiah is sitting on His throne in Jerusalem.
Our citizenship and the political process is arrived through compromise and theology can't be compromised. So I'm convinced that theology and politics mix as well as oil and water.
The best anyone can do is try to find a candidate that best represents one's convictions, but in our process of electing the most appealing person, we are often fooled by the people that appeal to us the most. And that's neither good citizenship nor good theology.
agreed. it sounds like one of our many long conversations that i so miss!
me too :(
Great Debaters was awesome w/ some great quotes.
No to Obama for me however; I do believe that he will be the next President. I posted about this last week and had some good respones.
Cool Site!
thanks for the compliment scott. i will check out your site.
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