Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sleepy time

We have had some serious sleep deprivation in our home. Since leaving Moscow on Monday the longest consecutive sleep I have had is 3 hours. Welcome to fatherhood, right? Please pray for Jadon, he has been struggling with sleep, add to that my sleep issue. Things are tough, but I'm excited about my sons getting settled.

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At 3/12/2008, Blogger Lyndsey said...

All the kids tonight were super excited that you were back with your boys. They can't wait to see you!

At 3/13/2008, Blogger Kushmama said...

I'm having crazy withdrawal from my little nephews!

At 3/14/2008, Blogger Kids Special Needs said...

yes, sleep deprivation with new kids (newborn or older thru adoption) is one of the hardest things I've gone thru in life. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


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