Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Surgery Stinks!

I won't elaborate, but knee surgery yesterday was hell. There is nothing good about surgery day. I got real loopy when they put the IV in and had a hard time coming out of recovery. They kept giving me Gatorade and Coke, I blew it right out, in front of a bunch of waiting patients. Last night was the worst night ever. The drugs my doctor prescribed me didn't work, so I was up most of the night moaning, groaning and cussin'. Not a good sight, until mi espossa broke out the other pain killers, that worked! Anyway, here are a couple of pictures for your enjoyment, I'll share more soon.



At 6/27/2007, Blogger Preston Porter said...

get betta brotha

At 6/27/2007, Blogger Mike West said...

Hope your recovery is fast...I have been in surgery 3 times with my knee and currently need a replacement. Surgery and physical therapy is no fun.
Keep Looking Up!

At 6/27/2007, Blogger J Dub said...

Good to hear you're done...

At 6/27/2007, Blogger Bryonm said...

Who do ya got standin' in line for you to get your new iPhone?

At 6/27/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

well, my wonderful wife has volunteered. shes very excited to do so.

At 6/28/2007, Blogger m brunjes said...

there are some good ol' boys that make great pain killers. JIm and Jack :)

I praying for your recovery.

At 6/28/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're praying for you Chris - You have the best nurse ever!!!
Even though you look quite happy on the drugs...get better quick...we miss you!
Ray and Nancy

At 6/28/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...I love that picture...that is a face of a 'happy' person!

At 6/28/2007, Blogger calvarychurch said...

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At 6/28/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/29/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now it's time to recuperate and rehab. glad it's all done and you're on the mend!


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