Thursday, June 21, 2007

Suspicious timing?

For the past week I have been having some "issues" with my phone. Finally today, it bit the dust. No e-mail, no text, no calls. The picture you see is the permanant screen now on my Cingular 8125. Notice the date. I was just bragging about how good my phone had been performing. Suspicious? The iPhone makes its debut next Friday.



At 6/21/2007, Blogger Deb said...

Ha! I think you did it intentionally to get the new phone. :o) Which by the way looks fabulous!!!!!

At 6/21/2007, Blogger m brunjes said...

if you ditch this for the iphone and the cingular 8125 still works I could take it off your hands for the right price.

At 6/22/2007, Blogger Kushmama said...

you're such a just can't stand a new apple product coming out without being one of the first in line, can you??? by the way, you're a bad influence on my husband!!

At 6/23/2007, Blogger Bryonm said...

I agree with kushmama...

how convenient...

you're going to be impossible to work with when you get your new iPhone!


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