Thursday, July 26, 2007

Calling ALL Student Pastors!

I would like to put together a comprehensive link list of student pastors, youth pastors, family pastors or whatever you call us. I really enjoy peeking into the life of peeps who are involved in the same ministry I'm involved with and I know others do as well. So if your student pastor blogs, or you know someone who knows someone who has a friend who is a youth pastor, just leave a comment with your student pastors blog address and I'll do this rest.



At 7/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will see you next Friday!

At 7/26/2007, Blogger Eric Wakeling said...

I better get an update on this as a student pastor myself.
Our HS Pastor has a blog too.

Our JH Pastor has one, but he is a slacker poster and I won't include it.

At 7/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great stuff man! I came over from Alden't blog is


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