Thursday, October 18, 2007

Toe story

A few years ago a door slammed over the top of my foot ripping the toe-nail in half. It hasn't been normal since. About every 5 months or so it gets all nasty and in-grown. You can see the latest version of my toe. I'm pretty good at keeping it clean and covered. Should be back to normal in a few days. Do you have an in-grown toe-nail story to share? Maybe finger nail story? Do tell.



At 10/18/2007, Blogger Kushmama said...

because of the way i run, my right big toe nail came away from the skin in the corner and ripped off when my toe hit a piece of furniture. so 1/4 of my toenail was gone...but alas, I saved the piece that broke off and glued it back on. after a quick buff with a nail buffer and a couple coats of dark nail polish it was as good as new! it wasn't pretty before the polish, but it NEVER looked like yours! that toe is NASTY, i mean, it looks like leprosy! who want's to show that off...eeewwww! must be a guy thing!

At 10/18/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

yep. we show off our battle wounds. its the pride of a man.


At 10/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly a guy thing... women won't photograph anything nasty, we cover it up!! I don't have any toe stories or I'd share!
I never thought to glue a nail back on and then buff it... your sister is brilliant!! I'm going to keep this idea tucked away and hope I never have to use it!

At 10/18/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

bethany has some pretty interesting ideas in that noggin.

At 10/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should mail that picture to someone for Christmas :)

At 10/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I no longer have a toenail on my left big toe. I broke my leg in high school and it cause alot of nerve and ligament problems in my foot. After another foot surgery, they decided to permanently remove it because it kept getting ingrown. And because of that, I no longer wear flip flops.

At 10/18/2007, Blogger Phillip Santillan said...

no...but I do have a really nasty story about an ingrown hair that had to be surgically removed. Sorry, I don't have pictures, but you wouldn't want to see it...seriously!

At 10/19/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

no more flip flops! i dont know if i could live!

ingrown hair? wow i would love to see a pic of that, must have been nasty.

At 10/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks pretty nasty. Here is a story for you. When I was in high school I rode my bike to work. One day I was coming home and there is a steep heel I have to do down. There was some sand on it one day and I skidded and fell. My middle fingernail got totally scrapped off. I don't have any pics but you can imagine what it looked like. It grew back regular so that was good.

I got out of doing the dishes for a few days so that was good.

At 10/19/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

pretty gross darlene!!


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