Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not a chance.

The Florida Legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a Christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "I Believe". I will not buy this plate. Will you other Florida peeps? Why? Good answers only!



At 4/24/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it cheapens the gospel!

At 4/24/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...just think of it...if you have this plate you won't need a 'Pastor' sticker on your ride. It makes it that much easier to get the preferred parking at the hospital.

At 4/25/2008, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

billy, very true, didnt even think about that!!

At 4/25/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I Believe" In what?

At 4/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old School stained glass window...very cheesy look to it.. whatever happened to the church doing things bigger and better

At 5/04/2008, Blogger Bryonm said...

i like alex's answer...

it reminds me of those 'clergy' stickers...


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