On Monday a guy from church called me to ask if I would like to go with him and some other men to the
Eleuthera in the Bahamas. My response was an obvious yes. So on Thursday around 8:00 am we took off in a twin engine Cessna from Palm Beach International Airport and landed in Governors Harbor, Eluthera around 9 am. The first thing I noticed when we landed was the terrain. It was noticeably rugged and hilly. Very different from my homeland. The water was greenish blue and very uncongested. We were met at the terminal by a local named Horatio. He is an assistant pastor at a local church. He took the day off of his construction job to take our small group of five men around his beautiful home island. Horatio took us from the airport (on the
"wrong side of the road" mind you!) to a small boat launching site. He took us out to some of the local hot spot fishing and lobstering areas. 'Ratio (as his friends and family call him) was far superior a fisher man (spear fishing) than his American counterparts. Of the 20 or so catches he caught 18 of them! Later we were treated to a Bahamian fish fry courtesy of our host and his friends at a local watering hole in James Cistern, Eleuthera. This was a great close to an incredible day of male bonding and cultural stimulation. We were off on our flight back at 9 am the next morning. All of this action within a 24 hour period. I feel so blessed to live so close to another world.
Thanks for taking Aaron.
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