Tuesday, June 05, 2007

At Camp: Monday

I have been involved with summer youth camps for almost 20 years. At 15 I worked my first summer camp as a maintenance guy at a sweet northeastern mountain camp. For the past 3 years I have kept my camping experiences closer to home here in the state of Florida. The camp that I have really been enjoying has been StudentLife Camps. They put on a great program and focus on the Bible from beginning to end.

We left Jupiter at 8 am to drive 2 and half hours north to the small town of DeLand where the small liberal arts college Stetson University calls home. This is the location of our camp. We arrived around 11:45 (we stopped a couple of times!) and got right into the swing of things. Wade Morris is the camp pastor. He's a very gifted communicator who loves Jesus and the Bible. The students really enjoyed his first session as a couple of our guys made commitments to Christ. Todd Agnew is the camp worship leader. His style is very different than what our students are used to, but he is very gifted and he effectively leads into God's prescience. You can tell that the staff here has really prayed over the whole camp week and the students attending. We are on the mission "track" of the camp so we will be involved in the DeLand community serving children at a Boys and Girls Club.

To follow camp from a students perspective go to the Calvary Students Blog



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