Thursday, June 28, 2007

Goodbye Relevant Magazine!

Today I received in the mail my final issue of Relevant Magazine. Boy am I glad. This once-decent mag that captured a glimpse into neo-pop Christian culture has now turned into a battle for the tackiest ad's by Christian universities and music festivals. There is always a try at "racy" articles that don't even intrigue me (like the Matis Yahu article). The worst part for me is the whole commercialization of "justice ministries" that is prevalent in Relevant. The ad I have posted here is an example of the true tackiness that "Relevant Christianity" has become. Thank goodness this is my last issue. I think Relevant tries too hard to present Christ followers as cool in their endless-who-cares articles and reviews of indie music artists. In my life I have tried to be cool, I'm just not, never will be. I think Relevant is no longer relevant, so stop trying to convince everyone that you are. Anyone agree? Disagree? Your comments are appreciated.



At 6/28/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree! I give a big boo for relevant...a

At 6/29/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I like reading music magazines but hate how half of it is full of ads and useless stuff. One of the ones I like to read is the Alternative Press mag. It has tons of info about bands that I like to listen to and really good interviews. Darlene

At 6/29/2007, Blogger Eric Wakeling said...

I tend to agree. I LOVED it at first, but now its kind of redundant and boring. It's the same formula - 1. article on questioning my western view of God. 2. article on helping the poor in Africa. 3. article on some indie "might be a Christian" band. 4. lots of ads

And this is what's weird. I like all those things, except ads, but it's still getting old to me.

At 6/29/2007, Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

im with you eric, i think that the idea is good and was well excecuted at first, but it's tacky now. no other word to describe relevant.

At 6/29/2007, Blogger J Dub said...

Do you have an iPhone yet?

At 6/30/2007, Blogger Bryonm said...

The only time I ever read Relevant is when fellow bloggerette Anne Jackson has an article published in it...

At 6/30/2007, Blogger Mike West said...

I don't disagree or agree. I have only read Relevant a few times. But I have found as the years have gone by, some of what I once thought was relevant, important or cool has changed. I'm sure the magazine probably is very relevant, important or cool to someone who may be in a different place than I am in their journey.


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