One Issue Voters: Part 1

WARNING! This might step on your toes!
In Life & Times a few weeks back, Chris had made mention of something that really got me thinking a great deal. He pointed out that Fred Thompson would make a good President, but also pointed out that so would any of the other candidates. To me, that statement was a full bodied cabernet of intelligent thought. I have been a huge Who fan my entire life and began listening to The Who when I was 4 years old and my father bought me the LP for “Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy". I’m now 32 and am really beginning to realize how utterly brilliant Pete Townsend was when he uttered the phrase “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” (from the song entitled “Won’t Get Fooled Again”)
I wanted to use this post to “think out loud” about some thoughts I have been posturing lately about the role of President, the media, and Christianity. Now, after spending most of the last year in New York, Rudy Giuliani has gotten more positive media coverage regionally for me than any other candidate. Since getting to Florida three days ago, 5 people I have been having conversations with have mentioned that they like Fred Thompson because he’s a “good ole’ boy” from Tennessee. I think it’s a regional thing, but I like Fred Thompson because he was a fellow at the American Free Enterprise Institute and because he has a “hot trophy wife.” All my years of working on Palm Beach really jaded me on the wife front. I remember one day at The Breakers when I met a 67 year old guest with a 26 year old model of wife and asked him aside “guy style.” “How’d you do it man?” And he replied “Son, if you play your cards right in life and make enough money, your wife hasn’t even been born yet.” After our high five, I ruminated on the glory of the words he had given me as if this man that owned 90% of the trailer parks in the “Mayberry Triangle” of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida Panhandle was Tolstoy. As far as my earlier Pete Townsend Quote, Thompson seems to scream that quote to me after growing up during the Reagan era, but Thompson I think is far more brilliant of a guy.
Any thoughts?
Labels: Life and Times: Tony Taylor
I was wondering how long it would take for the REAL Tony Taylor to emerge on this blog.
Meghan, After you read part two of this post, You will feel compelled to cover your head in reverence whenever my name is even mentioned!
Ya know, I wouldn't have thought you'd be able to accurately recreate the experience of knowing the shallow materialistic Tony Taylor but I feel you've done that here.
I love how Fred Thompson said that Cubans refugees trying to leave a communist country to come to free America could be terrorists. For Thompson's sake, I hope that remark doesn't become the SINGLE ISSUE that takes him out of the race.
If Thompson can't be diplomatic toward one of Florida's biggest voting blocs, I wonder how diplomatic he'd be on the international scene.
tt st his best!
Tony...this post is simply..'you'. So where are you going to stake claim to your trailer parks?
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