Family: Tactical Zone.
Yesterday me, my dad, my brother in law and my nephew had an adventurous morning. Actually, for many of you we did the unthinkable. We went to the shooting range to fire off a couple of hundred rounds of ammunition. It was like one of those male bonding experiences, all the testosterone, it was great. I brought a couple of my pieces (for those in Palm Beach, GUNS) and my dad brought his, and we legally had at it. I must say the most enjoyable part was watching my nephew, Andrew, who is 14, shoot a gun for the first time. He did great. He wasn't nervous or anxious or anything. He was incredibly calm and fearless. My dad was a beast. He has a .357 magnum. Blew off some .38 rounds and some magnum rounds. I brought my little .32 and a .40 Glock. My brother in law, Dave, seemed to really enjoy the Glock as I always do. When we were done with the session, my dad suggested we head over to a place where we can get a soda and chat. That's where we really had a good time with some good old fashioned "guy talk". Dad told some old stories from his childhood in Kentucky. Honestly, there is nothing like firing off some ammo then going to Wendys and talking over a Coke with the guys. You should try it, you might like it.